Home » Table of Contents: 20.3 » Haibun 20.3 » Srini: Wanderer


I doze off as soon as the train leaves the station and wake up to the railway vendor’s  bilingual cry of chai chai chai, tea tea tea. The smell of cardamom from the tea tempts me, and I buy a cup. Outside the window, green fields, huts, trees and one-lane streets hurtle past, as though they too have a meeting to attend. These quickly give way to four-lane roads, bridges, apartment buildings, and malls. As the next station approaches, men, women and children head quickly towards the exit, awkwardly carrying huge suitcases and bags. Me? I just have a backpack with a laptop.

no place to call home scudding clouds

About the Author

Srini teaches English to high school students at the Rishi Valley school in Andhra Pradesh, India. When he is not preparing for classes, or perusing student essays, he takes long walks, watches cricket, and dabbles in Japanese short-form poetry. He has been writing haibun since July 2024. 

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