Lynne Rees Retires from Editing at CHO
Lynne Rees has been a significant member of the CHO editing team since issue 10.2, but this issue is her last. Like many a volunteer editor before her, the need for time to tend her own writing has come. Not only is she active writing haiku and haibun, but also Lynne is a historian-memoirist, author of Real Port Talbot (Seren Books, 2013), food blogger at The Hungry Writer and writing coach at An Open Field, novelist, and apple farmer. And more. The Hungry Writer, based on her blog of the same name, was recently published as a book, and along with other books is available at Amazon.Com
She will be sorely missed by me as well as the many contributors who've benefited from her keen eye and impeccable taste. I've learned a lot working with her, about editing and writing. I'm going to let her get on with her work, but she shouldn't be too surprised if I send an occasional email asking, "What do you think about this?"
~ Bob Lucky