Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Tanka Prose 20.2 » Jenny Polstra: In the Photo

In the Photo

monastery in Caucasus

…the action of light on sensitive film. The monastery in Georgia in the Caucasus—a monastery very hard to reach in early Spring while on foot. Eerily quiet; I am all alone, apart from the Russian border patrol high up on the mountain behind it.

After an extremely long climb, try as I might, I could not reach the monastery doors. The final path—a sheet of ice and absolutely treacherous. Acutely aware of my aloneness, one last look at the mountains, and the old stone walls…

mountain monastery
all the snowdrifts
and God

About the Author

Jenny Polstra is a poet from Aotearoa (New Zealand). She has recently discovered the joy of writing tanka and tanka prose. She lives vegan, rescues animals of all kinds, and enjoys beach walks with her partner and their keeshond, Bodhi. 

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