Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Tanka Prose 20.2 » Jennifer Gurney: Jammin’


Jam time is a relative term. It starts with a months-long search for jars, bands, and lids in thrift stores and garage sales. Why pay full price when you can pay a quarter on half-off day at The Arc? Then there’s the hunt for good-quality, affordably priced fruit. Shopping in-season is key. The third element in the jam trifecta is finding the time to make jam while I have the equipment and the perishable fruit. It’s a dance each year, but one I love.

I wake at dawn
excited to begin the process
won't be finished
till the last
lid clicks

About the Author

Jennifer Gurney lives in Colorado where she teaches, paints, writes, and hikes. Her poetry appears in a wide variety of journals, has won two international poetry contests, and is being turned into a choral piece for a concert this summer.

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