Home » Table of Contents: 20.2 » Haibun 20.2 » Caroline Giles Banks: Serendipity Lost

Serendipity Lost

As a cultural anthropologist I’m stunned to learn that the Anthropology Library at the University of California-Berkeley is closing. The banishment of over 80,000 books and field notes to the dark netherworld of a warehouse is a death knell for brick and mortar libraries and the social sciences.

Vision quests and majestic temples, confederacies and kings, potlatches and bitcoin markets, cuneiform tablets and email continue to marvel! Could seeds for meeting tomorrow’s challenges for sustenance and shelter, governance and belief be lying fallow in these sealed boxes?

browsing the stacks
books I did not know
I was looking for

About the Author

Carolyn Giles-Banks

Caroline Giles Banks, born in Boston, is a cultural anthropologist whose poetry is often informed by her anthropological training and research. She is the author of several books of poetry, including Pressing Matters: Haiku, Senryu, and Haibun PoemsThe Clay Jar: Haiku, Senryu and Haibun Poems; and The Weight of Whiteness: A Memoir in Poetry. She lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

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